Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mr. Tesla


According to Wikipedia, Nikola Tesla's Birthday is actually tomorrow.  We're getting the drop on him by celebrating a day early!  I'm sure he won't mind.

History tells us that Tesla was something of an underdog; though famous in his own lifetime, he was considered an eccentric at best and a mad scientist at worst by his peers (not without reason).  He was a friend of Mark Twain, a possible synaesthete, and a proponent of women's equality.  He won the War of Currents against Edison (who was kind of a jerk, seriously - also, the accompanying video is NOT for the faint of heart, you have been warned), but Edison may be remembered better in part for his contributions to the light bulb.  He worked on  inventing the radio, but Marconi (also kind of a jerk, at least as far as radios are concerned) beat him out in the patent dispute and won the Nobel prize for it in 1909.  In fact, here's a helpful comic from Hark! A Vagrant laying it all out: Tesla, Marconi, Edison.

However, he invented other stuff, too.  Take this, for example:

The Tesla coil.  What a celibate rock star!   

Finally, Tesla may or may not have been responsible for the Tunguska Event in his quest to discover a super weapon.   He even has a Cthulhu mythos connection: he might have been the inspiration for Lovecraft's Nyarlathotep (I don't see the resemblance myself).


  1. He's also one of the Fists of Science! :)

  2. Ok, that's awesome. Going on the To Read list!

  3. Yeah...I'm gonna be that guy. I expected a YouTube clip of the "Signs" video...

  4. I've heard the Tesla/Nyarlathotep thing before, but it's been a while. Now that I've finally read the story I can kind of see how it works. Not strictly inspired, but inspired by the same kind of traveling magic.

  5. @T.J. Oh, you went there. I debated it but ultimately decided against it...but thanks for keeping it real. :) I love the user picture, btw, that is awesome (non-sarcasm!)!

  6. @Ruth It makes me happy to think that Lovecraft and Tesla might have been friends or at least acquaintances :)

  7. Hee, is it really his birthday this Saturday? Sweet! I guess it's only fitting I'm going to a steampunk meet.

    Tesla will never be anything but awesome, I don't think. I didn't know about the Lovecraft or Tunguska angles before.

  8. @Anassa Enjoy the steampunk meeting, that sounds fun...and while you're there, you can raise a toast to Tesla :)
